Dr Pierre Purseigle

University of Warwick

Publications & Dissemination


2- P. Purseigle, Mobilisation, Sacrifice et Citoyenneté. Angleterre – France, 1900-1918, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2013, 450p. ISBN: 978-2-251-44470-3 – Extracts

1- G. Vaughan, C. Berthezène, P. Purseigle, J. Vincent, Le Monde Britannique, 1815-1931, Paris, Editions Belin, 2010. ISBN: 978-2-7011-5410-7

3- N. Martin, P. Purseigle, T. Haughton, eds., Aftermath: Legacies and Memories of War in Europe, 1918-1945-1989, Farnham, Ashgate, 2014, 254p. ISBN 978-1-4094-4428-2

2- P. Purseigle, ed., Warfare and Belligerence. Perspectives in First World War Studies, Boston – Leiden, Brill, 2005, 420p. ISBN: 978 90 04 14352 4

1- J. Macleod, P. Purseigle, eds., Uncovered fields. Perspectives in First World War Studies, Boston – Leiden, Brill, 2004, 302p. ISBN: 978 90 04 13264 1

5- Guest editor, “Marianne in War and Peace, 1913-1923. The French Republic in the era of the First World War”, French History, Volume 35, Issue 4, December 2021. ISSN 0269-1191

4– Co-editor with O. Compagnon, « Global history of the First World War», Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales , 71/1, Janvier – Mars 2016. ISSN : 0395-2649

3– Co-editor with R. Boyce, S. Jansen, M. Scot, « Historiographies étrangères de la Première Guerre mondiale », Histoire@Politique, n°22, janvier-avril 2014.

2- Co-editor with C. Berthezène, « Déclin et résilience du libéralisme britannique », special issue of Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire, 120, Octobre 2013

1- Co-editor of “Guerres et changement social”, special issue of Histoire et Sociétés. Revue européenne d’histoire sociale, n°8, October 2003. This volume addresses the problematic relations between military conflicts and social change, wartime state and local social policies, the urban experience of war, women’s work in World War I, literary and cinematographic representations of warfare as well as the memory of both World Wars and the Holocaust.

*- “Exceptional Pragmatism. The French State at war in 1914-1918.”, First World War Studies, special issue on States of exception in WWI, under review.

13-Southern identities and patriotic mobilisation in WWI France”, English Historical Review, on-line, September 2023

12- “Marianne en guerre, 1913–1923: the French Republic in the era of the Great War”, French History, Volume 35, Issue 4, December 2021, p. 427–430

11- La Cité de demain. French urbanists in war and reconstruction, 1914-1928”, French History, Volume 35, Issue 4, December 2021, p. 505–531

10– “Controversy: War Culture”, 1914-1918 Online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, https://encyclopedia.1914-1918-online.net, January 2020

9- « Géographie des mobilisations et territoires de la belligérence » (with O. Compagnon) – Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 71/1, Janvier – Mars 2016, p. 37-64.

8- « Écrire l’histoire du Déluge. Histoire et expérience britannique de la Grande Guerre. », Histoire@Politique, n°22, janvier-avril 2014. ISSN 1954-3670

7- The First World War and the Transformations of the State”, International Affairs, 90: 2 (March 2014), 249-264. ISSN: 1468-2346. Published in Spanish in Revista Universitaria de Histora Militar, June 2014. ISSN: 2254-6111

6- « Belligérance libérale. La Grande-Bretagne face à la Grande Guerre », Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire, 120, Octobre 2013, 27-42. ISSN: 0294-1759. Published in Portuguese in Ler História, 66, 2014. ISSN: 0870-6182

5-A very French debate: The 1914-18 ‘war culture’, Journal of War and Culture Studies, 1, 1, 2008, 9-14. ISSN: 17526272

4-On the Road to ‘Total War’. Exile and Resettlement in Western Europe, 1914-1918.”, Contemporary European History, 16, 4 (November 2007), 427-444. ISSN: 0960-7773

3- « La guerre au miroir de l’humour : le dessin de presse en France et en Grande-Bretagne durant la Première Guerre mondiale. », in Histoire et Société. Revue européenne d’histoire sociale, n°1, Janvier – Mars 2002, pp.124-137. ISBN: 2-9520178-2-4 ISSN: 1633-2784

2-Mirroring societies at war: pictorial humour in the British and French popular press during the Great War.”, in Journal of European Studies, Vol.31, 3/4, n°123, 2001, 289-328. ISSN: 0047-2441

1- « 1914-1918 : Les ressorts locaux des mobilisations nationales : étude comparée Angleterre-France », in Annales du Midi, Tome 112, n°232, Octobre – Décembre 2000, pp.463-482. ISSN: 0003-4398

21- Refugees and the emergence of a transnational home front”, in H. Strachan, ed., The British Home Front, 1914-1918, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 314-332. ISBN: 9781316515495

20- “Catastrophe and reconstruction in Western Europe: the urban aftermath of the First World War”, in L. Verpoest, L. Engeelen, eds., Revival after the Great War: Repair, Rebuild, Remember, Leuven, Leuven University Press, 2021, 34-51. ISBN: 9789461663542

19-“Las geografías de la guerra y de la beligerancia en la era de la Primera Guerra Mundial”, in O. Compagnon, C. Foulard, G. Martin, M.I. Tato, eds. América Latina y la Primera Guerre mundial, Mexico City, CEMCA, 2018, 20-41

18-“Granitsy patriotizma. Geografiya i etika mobilizatsii vo Frantsii v period Pervoy mirovoy voyny”// Kultury patriotizma v period Pervoy mirovoy voyny. Sankt-Peterburg, 2018 (in print)

17- “El significado de reconstrucción en la Europa de entreguerras“, in J. Rodrigo, M. Alonso Ibarra, D. Alegre Lorenz, eds., Teatros de lo bélico: experiencias de guerra  y posguerra en las sociedades europeas (1895-1953), Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, (forthcoming).

16- “An Urban Geography of the World at War”, in L. Van Ypersele, N. Wouters, eds., War and Fatherland. Nations, Identities and the First World War, London, Bloomsbury, 2018, pp. 235-253. ISBN: 978-1-3500-3643-7.

15- “Violência e de solidariedade. Experiências urbanas da Primeira Guerra Mundial”, in M. F. Rollo and A. P. Pires, eds., As Cidades e as Guerras, Lisbon, 2017 (forthcoming)

14-Through the fog of war”, in N. Martin, T. Haughton, P. Purseigle, eds., Aftermath: Legacies and Memories of War in Europe, 1918-1945-1989, Farnham, Ashgate, 2014. ISBN 978-1-4094-4428-2

13- Between participation and victimization. WWI urban mobilization in comparative perspective”, in F. Lenger, ed., Kollektive Gewalt in der Stadt: Europa 1890-1939, Munich, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, July 2013. ISBN-13: 978-3486718584

12-Homefronts: The Mobilization of Resources” in R. Chickering, D. Showalter, H. van de Ven, The Cambridge History of War. Vol. 4. War and the Modern World, 1850-2005, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 257-284. ISBN-13: 9780521875776

11- “‘Wither the local?’ Nationalization, modernization, and the mobilization of urban communities in England and France, c.1900-1918”, in O. Zimmer, W. Whyte, eds., Nationalism and the Reshaping of Urban Communities in Europe, 1848-1914, London, Palgrave, 2011, pp. 182-203. ISBN-13: 978-0230246287

10- « Mémoires combattantes de la Grande Guerre: l’exemple britannique », in O. Wieviorka, A. Prost, Mémoires combattantes du Vingtième Siècle (forthcoming)

9- « 25 septembre 1915 : tentatives françaises de rupture du front en Artois et en Champagne », in Cabanes, Bruno and Duménil, Anne, eds., Larousse de la Grande Guerre, 2007. ISBN : 9782035833501

8- A. Gregory, E. Cronier, J. Verhey, P. Purseigle, “Railway Stations: Gateways and Termini for the Metropolitan experience of war” in J.-L. Robert, J. Winter, eds., Capital Cities at War. Paris, London, Berlin, 1914-1919, Vol. II, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007, 23-56. ISBN: ISBN-13: 9780521870436

7-A litmus test of wartime social mobilization: The reception of Belgian refugees in Europe, 1914-1918”, in J. Crawford, I. McGibbon, eds., Zealandia’s Great War: New Zealand, the Allies and the First World War, Exisle Publishing, 2007, 69-84. ISBN: 978 0 908988 85 3

6-Warfare and Belligerence. Approaches to the First World War”, in P. Purseigle, ed., Warfare and Belligerence. Perspectives in First World War Studies., Boston – Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, 2005, 1-37. ISBN: 978900414352 4

5- « Les mobilisations sociales à l’épreuve de l’exil belge. Etude comparée France – Grande-Bretagne. », in S. Jaumain, et al., eds. Une ‘guerre totale’ ? La Belgique dans la Première Guerre mondiale. Nouvelles tendances de la recherche historique », Bruxelles, Cahiers d’histoire militaire, 2004, 338-351. ISBN: *** D/2005/531/018 Publ. 4443

4- « 1914-1918 : Les combats de l’arrière. Etude comparée des mobilisations sociales en France et en Grande-Bretagne », in N. Beaupré, A. Duménil, C. Ingrao, Experiences de guerre. 1914-1945. Tome I: “Violence, Mobilisations, Deuil. 1914-1918”, Paris, Agnès Viénot Editions, 2004, 131-151. ISBN: 2-914645-42-2

3- « Perspectives in First World War Studies » (with J. Macleod), in J. Macleod, P. Purseigle, ed., Uncovered fields. Perspectives in   First World War Studies, Boston – Leiden, Brill Academic, 2004, 1-23. ISBN: 978 90 04 13264 1

2- « Beyond and below the Nations: towards a comparative history of local communities at war », in J. Macleod, P. Purseigle, ed., Uncovered fields. Perspectives in First World War Studies, Boston – Leiden, Brill Academic, 2004, 95-123. ISBN: 9789004132641

1- “Les associations locales face à la Grande Guerre : Société civile et Etat de guerre. Etude comparée Angleterre – France,” in Guerres et associations, in Bruno Benoit, Marc Frangi, eds., Lyon, Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2003, 87-104.  ISBN: 9782729707279

3- Clémentine Vidal-Naquet, Couples dans la Grande Guerre. Le tragique et l’ordinaire du lien conjugal, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2014, in Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 74, 1, April 2020, 255-257

2- Christophe Prochasson, 14-18. Retours d’expériences, Paris, Tallandier, 2008 accessible on www.laviedesidees.fr

1- Jean-Yves Le Naour, Misères et tourments de la chair durant la Grande Guerre. Les moeurs sexuelles des Français. 1914-1918, Paris, Aubier, Collection Historique, 2002, in Histoire et Sociétés. Revue européenne d’histoire sociale, n°3, 2002

2- David Thackeray, « Faire de la politique à l’heure de la démocratie. Libéralisme et conservatisme populaire en Grande-Bretagne (1906-1924) », Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire, 120, October 2013, 57-69

1- Jay Winter, « Le témoin moral et les deux guerres mondiales », in Histoire et Société. Revue européenne d’histoire sociale, n°8, Octobre 2003


13- “War and urban catastrophes: responses from history and practice”, Francqui Chair Inaugural Lecture, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, 12 June 2023

12- “From war literature to literate war. What periodicals tell us about the First World War”, Ghent University – VU Brussels, Brussels, 15 May 2023

11- “Rebuilding European Lives. The reconstitution of urban communities in inter-war Europe (1914-1939)”, Revival after the Great War: Repair, Rebuild, Remember, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, 8 May 2018

10- “Devastated victors. Reconstruction and the urban transition from war to peace in Western Europe after WWI”,The mediatisation of peace and war, Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico-Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento (Italy), 19 April 2018

9- “Fields of battle and territories of mobilisation. The urban geography of the First World War”, Urban experiences of the Great War in Eastern Europe, Centre for Urban History of East Central Europe, Lviv (Ukraine), 24 June 2016

8- “The meaning of reconstruction, 1914-1939”, Teatros de lo Bélico: experiencias de guerra y posguerra en las sociedades europeas (1895-1953), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 19 November 2015

7- “Espaces de belligérance et territoires de mobilisation. Pistes pour l’histoire urbaine et comparée de la Première Guerre mondiale.”, Lyon sur le front de l’arrière, Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon, 16 October 2014

6- “Geographies of belligerence. Towards a global history of the First World War”, América Latina y la Primera Guerra Mundial. Una historia conectada, CEMCA, IDA, COLMEX, UNAM, Mexico City, 26 June 2014

5- “Belligerent peripheries and the geography of the First World War”, The Peripheries of World War I: New Methodological and Spatial Perspectives, New York University, 14 May 2014

4- “Violence and solidarity. Urban experiences of the First World War”, Cities and Wars, Instituto de História Contemporânea, Lisbon, 27 September 2012

3- “Impossible Neutrality, Improbable Belligerence, 1914-1918”, The First World War and the End of Neutrality conference, organized by the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation, The Hague, 6 March 2009

2- “From solidarity to oblivion: The reception of Belgian refugees in Europe, 1914-1918”, The Flight from War, Belgian Refugees in WWI, at the In Flanders Fields Museum, Ypres (Belgium), 24-25 May 2004

1- “A litmus test of wartime social mobilization: The reception of Belgian refugees in Europe, 1914-1918”, Zealandia’s Great War, National Library, Wellington (New Zealand), 8-10 November 2003

29- “Leaving refugeedom behind. Resettlement and reconstruction in Belgium and France, 1914-1923.”, Humans in Motion: War Crisis and Refugees in Europe 1914–1923, Jagiellonian University – Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Kraków, 30 June 2022 – By invitation

28- “Restoration or reconstruction? Western European societies in the immediate aftermath of the First World War.”, Vermessung einer Zeitenschwelle. Die Bedeutung des Jahres 1918 in europäischer und globaler Perspektive, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, 4 November 2018 – By invitation

27- “Refugees”, The British Home Front, 1914-1918, HMG; Government of Scotland; University of St Andrews, 21 June 2018 – By invitation

26- « Désordre et discipline : le Corps Expéditionnaire Britannique à l’heure des mutineries. », 100 ans après les Mutineries, SAHS – Chemin des Dames, Soissons, 9 June 2017 – By invitation

25- “Towards an urban geography of the First World War”, War and Fatherland. Nations, Identities and the First World War, CEGESOMA, Brussels, 15 October 2015 – By invitation

24- “Rebuilding European Lives. The reconstitution of urban communities in interwar France and Belgium (1914-1939).”, Recreating historical cities after WWI, Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań), Kalisz, Poland, 17 April 2015

23- “Rebuilding European Lives, 1914-1939”, Anglo-American Conference of Historians, Institute of Historical Research, London, 4 July 2014

22- “Boundaries of patriotism. Geography and ethics of mobilization in WWI France”, Patriotic Cultures during the First World War, European University, St. Petersburg, 12 June 2014 – By invitation

21- “Rebuilding French Lives. The reconstitution of urban communities in interwar France (1914-1939)”, Society for French Historical Studies, Montreal, 25 April 2014 – Panel convenor: “Under fire and out of the ruins. Experiences and memory of the First World War in urban France, 1914-1939.”

20- “The First World War and the transformations of the State”, Fritt Ord Foundation, Oslo, 9 March 2014 – By invitation

19- “The wartime state”, 1914 and the Making of the Twentieth Century, Texas A&M, College Station (TX), 18 September 2013

18- “Indebted  past. The memory of French colonial troops in the First World War”, paper presented at The Greater War. Imperial Mobilization, Demobilization, and Unrest in the Era of the First World War, University College, Dublin, 19 May 2012 – By invitation

17- “Neutrality and periphery in the First World War”, paper presented at the workshop Between War Culture and Peace Culture: Neutrals during the First World War, University of Fribourg, 20 April 2012 – By invitation

16- “Centres et périphéries dans l’historiographie de la Grande Guerre”, paper presented at the conference Pour une histoire de la Première Guerre mondiale en Amérique latine, IHEAL – Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle, 3 April 2012 – By invitation

15- “Between participation and victimization. WWI urban mobilization in comparative perspective”, presented at the conference “Kollektive Gewalt in europäischen Großstädten während des ersten Drittels des 20. Jahrhunderts”, Historisches Kolleg, Universität Munchen, 20-22 October 2011 – By invitation

14- “Towards an environmental history of the First World War – A comment”, paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for Military History, Lisle (IL), 10 June 2011. Panel convenor – “World War I as a Global Conflict: New Directions in Cultural, Social, and Military History”

13- “Trial of the Nation. A comparative approach to French social mobilization in the First World War”, paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for the Study of French History, Trinity College, Dublin, 29-30 June 2009. Panel convenor – “WWI France in transnational perspective”

12- “On the Road to ‘Total War’. Exile and Resettlement in Western Europe, 1914-1918.”, paper presented at the Max Weber Programme Conference, European University Institute, Florence, 13 June 2008 – By invitation

11 – “Who owns the battlefield: cultural history or military history?” Concluding Roundtable with Prof. Jay Winter (Yale University), Prof. Dennis Showalter (Colorado College) and Dr Heather Jones (European University Institute), 4th conference of the International Society of First World War Studies, organised at Georgetown University, Washington (D.C.), 18-20 octobre 2007

10- « Civilians under occupation », session chair & commentator, 4th conference of the International Society of First World War Studies, organised at Georgetown University, Washington (D.C.), 18-20 octobre 2007

9- A discussion of Sonja Müller, Toys, games and juvenile literature during the First World War in Germany and England, paper presented at the 4th conference of the International Society of First World War Studies, organised at Trinity College, Dublin, 24 September 2005

8- “The social and cultural history of the war” a discussion with Professor John Horne, Trinity College, Dublin, at the International Colloquium: The Future of the First World War, Queen Mary, University of London, 4 June 2005 – By invitation

7- “1914-18: Communautés locales en guerre. De l’histoire comparée à l’histoire européenne”, paper presented at the Semaine de l’Histoire : la comparaison France – Grande-Bretagne, Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ulm), Paris, 27 January 2005 – By invitation

6- « Les mobilisations sociales à l’épreuve de l’exil belge. Etude comparée France  – Grande-Bretagne.”, paper presented at the international conference,  Une ‘guerre totale’ ? La Belgique dans la Première Guerre mondiale. Nouvelles tendances de la recherche historique,, organized by the Department of History at Université Libre de Bruxelles, in conjuction with the CEGES, Brussels, 15-17 January 2003

5- « Imperial societies and local communities at war: the WWI experience of England and France », paper presented at the conference, War and society: Germany and Europe in historical perspective, Transatlantic Young Scholars Forum – War and Society, German Historical Institute, Washington (D.C), 21-24 March 2002

4- « En-deça et au-delà des Nations: enjeux et limites d’une histoire comparée des communautés locales en guerre », paper presented at « La Grande Guerre aujourd’hui : actualité de la recherche. European conference in First World War Studies », Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Lyon, 7-8 Septembre 2001, organized by the C.E.R.P, IEP Lyon, the Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, the Department of War Studies, King’s College, London, the International Society for First World War Studies.

3- “1914-18: Local communities at war. A comparative study of the English and French experiences.”, paper presented at the international conference, Mars in Ascendant: the Great War and the Twentieth Century, London & Northampton, organized by University College, Northampton, the Imperial War Museum (Londres), and Fort Hayes State University, 31 July – 4 August 2001

2- “Mirroring societies at war: pictorial humour in the British and French popular press during the Great War.”, paper presented at the conference, Humour as a strategy in war – 5th GWACS Annual conference, organized by the Group for War and Culture Studies, University of Westminster, London, 25 May 2001

1- « Hommes du Sud et gens du Nord, entre solidarité nationale et confrontation. L’accueil des réfugiés de la Première Guerre mondiale dans la France méridionale. », paper presented with Jean-Yves Le Naour, at the 126ème Congrès des Sociétés Historiques et Scientifiques, Toulouse, 9-14 April 2001.

19- “Reparation, reconstruction, and remembrance. The reconfiguration of the transatlantic alliance after 1918”, Franco-British History Seminar, Sorbonne University, 14 November 2019

18- “The urban transition from war to peace”, Centre for War Studies, Trinity College Dublin, 3 December 2015

17- “Geographies of warfare and territories of belligerence in the era of the First World War”, Globalizing and Localizing the Great War Seminar, University of Oxford, 12 November 2015

16- “Mourir pour la Patrie. The Contested Nature of French Patriotism in the First World War.”, Legacies of War Seminar, University of Leeds, 14 May 2015

15- “Geographies of belligerence, 1911-1923”, Modern European History Seminar, Yale University, 9 April 2014

14- “Éditer la guerre : regards croisés éditeurs, universitaires, grand public, historiens”, Rendez-vous de l’Histoire, Blois, 11 octobre 2013

13- “WWI Volunteerism”, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 3 June 2013

12- “Europe on the brink”, Kandersteg Seminar, Remarque Institute, New York University, Kandersteg, Switzerland, 10-14 April 2013

11- “Historians in the heat of battle. Politics and controversy in the French historiography of the Great War”, paper presented at the Centre for War and Society seminar series, University of Exeter, 27 February 2012

10- “Redundancy in wartime mobilization: the case of the Volunteer Training Corps, 1914-1918”, War Studies Seminar, University of Birmingham, 8 March 2011

9- “Spaces of mobilization and scales of analysis: comparative reflections on the urban experience of the First World War”, Centre for War Studies, Trinity College, Dublin, 29 October 2010

8- “Uneasy balance: reflections of a First World War historian on scholarship and memory”, Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Graduate Discussion Group, St Anne’s College, Oxford, 3 June 2010

7- “Belligerent communities, 1914-1918. Dynamics of social mobilization in England and France during the First World War.”, Modern European History Seminar, University of Cambridge, 16 February 2009

6- “A civil victory. State and community in Britain and France, 1914-1918”, War Studies seminar, University of Birmingham, 26 February 2008

5- « La société civile face aux exigences de la guerre moderne. France – Grande-Bretagne, 1914-1918 », British Isles Research Group, E.H.E.S.S., Paris, 18 January 2008

4- “’Brutalized’? ‘Militarized’? Belligerent civil societies in 1914-1918. Towards a European History of the First World War”, Modern History Seminar, University of Edinburgh, 2 November 2005

3- “1914-18: Mobilization, Sacrifice and Citizenship in Imperial Societies at war. A comparative history of local communities at war in Britain and France”, Military History Seminar, All Souls College, Oxford, 11 February 2004

2- « 1914-18: Local communities at war in England and France. Strategies and issues in the comparative history of national mobilizations », Modern European History seminar at Trinity College, Dublin, 13 February 2003

1- « 1914-1918: Communautés locales et mobilisations nationales en France et en Angleterre. Approche comparative de l’histoire sociale des représentations. »,  « Commission Jeunes Chercheurs » du C.E.H.D, 23 November 2002, Université de Paris I – Sorbonne, Paris

  • “Their War and Ours”, Christ Church, University of Oxford, 13 April 2018
  • Public debate: “Did the western Allies win the war but lose the peace?”, Birmingham, 7 March 2017 – Hopscotch Consulting/Department of Education-DCMS Centenary programme
  • Public engagement project: Harbury Men in the Great War, a project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, 2016
  • “Diplomacy and World War I”, Google Hangouts at State, US State Department, 15 April 2015
  • “The Aftermath of War – The Urban Transition from War to Peace.”, The World at War – International Speakers Series, Canada War Museum, Ottawa, 20 November 2014
  • “Nations worth dying for? National identities and the coming of the Great War”, WWI Historical Association Symposium, National World War I Museum, Liberty Memorial, Kansas City, 8-9 November 2013
  • Member, 2014-2018 UK National Partnership, coordinated by the Imperial War Museum (IWM)
  • Member, 2014-2018 National Digital Partnership, coordinated by JISC, the BBC, and the Imperial War Museum
  • Programme Tutor, The Vimy Foundation Award Programme (Canada-France-Britain), 2006, 2008-12
  • « Briser l’Union Sacrée ». Conflits sociaux et mobilisation nationale en France, 1914-1918 », public lecture delivered at the « La France et la Nouvelle-Zélande pendant la Grande Guerre » conference, organized by the University of Waikato, Le Quesnoy (France), 3 November 2008
  • “France, America, and the history of the First World War”, series of 3 public lectures organised by the Alliance Française in the U.S.A. (New York – Washington, D.C.), October – November 2007
  • BBC English Regions Centenary Project: Consulted in the initial stages of the WWI at Home


  • Print: La Croix (France), Interview on British commemorations of the First World War, 13 November 2010 ; La Croix, Interview on American commemorations of WWI, 17 January 2014; Sunday Telegraph (UK), “Propaganda and the tragedy of consent”, 3 November 2013; Publico (Portugal), Interview on memory of the First World War in Europe, 26 January 2014; Politika (Serbia), Interview on the origins and memory of WWI, 1 February 2014; Le Monde, Interview on British memory of WWI, Hors-série, April 2014; Le Monde, 26 June 2014; Le Monde.fr, opinion piece, 3 June 2015; The New Day, opinion piece, 15 March 2016; France24.com, Interview on urban reconstruction of Ukraine, 16 May 2022..
  • TV: “The Battle over Pension Reforms in France”, Inside Story – Al Jazeera English, 23 October 2010; “Debating Genocide”, Inside Story – Al Jazeera English, 29 February 2012; “The lessons of WWI”, Crosstalk – Russia Today, 14 July 2014; SkyNews Live – Response to terror attack in Nice, 15 July 2016; Analysis of 2017 French Presidential Elections (TRT World News, x2 ; France24 English, x3; Sky News Arabia, “Friendly Fire”; BBC News, World Business Report). Regular contributor to France 24 English-speaking programmes.
  • Historical documentary: Contributor, Dans la peau du premier caméraman de guerre(MC4 productions / RMC Découverte), 2016
  • Radio: BBC Radio 4 News Briefing – The Chilcot Inquiry, 21 January 2010; BBC Radio 4, “The Moral Maze” – The French Riots, 16 November 2005; BBC Radio 4, “The Great War of Words” – Ep. 1: 4 February 2014, Ep. 2: 11 February 2014; BBC Radio 5 – Response to terror attack in Nice, 16 July 2016; BBC World Service – French Presidential campaign, 21 April 2017; Radio Canada – British General Elections, 15 December 2019; British politics, July 2022

  • Podcast: The Urbanist, Legacy Series, Monocle, 21 July 2022
